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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 23, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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kennedy: i am going to oregon. enjoy the rest of your christmas eve eve. have a great night. i am kennedy and mrs. "the independents" lou: the obama administration delaying a critical deadline for enrolling in obamacare. this just the latest in series ofevisions and extensions and in some cases exemptions, creating confusion and prolonging uncertainty for millions o americs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ashely: goodeveing, everyone. i am aley webster in for lou dobbs. the obama administration announcing today that it is extending the deadline for consumers shopping on yesterday. folks ll now he until tomorrow, christmas eve, to pick
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plan if they want their health reoverage starting on january thfirst. the official reason for the delay, the centers for medicare and medicaid say that theyhave up tfive times the usual traffic. it may have something to do that the fact that for most of the day,t was impossible to enroll throh the obamacare website. cms confirmin over a million people visiting the website today, wch is built to accommodate 800,000 people per day. fox news correspondent peter duceycounted several times when he ted to log on. has a l of visitors right now. suggestinghat visitors leave their e-mail and come back at a later date. so what happens if you can't enroll by tomorrow night? that is still unclear. those who sign up could also be exempt from paying the penalty for the white house is not sayi what contitutes
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od-faith effort. and if you are waiting until the final day to sin up for obamacare, you're not alone. the white house saying the president obama signed up fr symbolic health insurance coverage. the white houseays th esent was involved in selectg a plan. and the cheapest option means the premium will be less than $4 per month. look up up up up up up up up up up and be obama's health care tions wi continue to be provided by the military and the military position is the one had whatever he does. it is meant to support the obamacare marketplace.
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showing that americans are increasingly opposing the law. a poll released yesterday hows only 35% actually support obamacare and that is record low. and the obama administration dealing with another political crisis tonight. a group of about 150 marines helping americans evacuate. an estimated 100 u.s. citizens in sudan are believed to be there we're ragingviolence of the civil war in this country is occurring. nearly 400 americans have already been graduated from the country. an attempted rescue mission over the weekend had to be aborted after rebel forces wounded u.s. troops. and presidentbama wrote a letter t congress yesterday, warning thaa american military
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action in south sudan south sudan could be ramped up in the coming days. as the situation deteriorates. susan rice is once again dismissing the scandal surrounding the obama administrion's response to the terrorist attacks in benghazi. just weeks after the november 2012 attac, she went on several talk shows toclaim that theeattack was spontaneouresponse to an anti-muslim video. that tned out to be false. she inis that this issue is being blown out of proportio >> i don't have time to think about falsecontroversies. >> demonstration has been working hard to review our security of our embassies and that's what we ought to be focused on. ashely: when aed why hillary clinton didn't appear on the shows, this was her response.
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she had ge through an incredibly paiful and stressful week. secretary hillary clinton is a chief diplomat wo had to reach out and greet the bodies on their arrival at andrews air force base. if i were her, laughing at what i wanted to do is beyond five the sunday morning talk shows. so ithink it was ppropriate for me to do it. ashely: her role in the benghazi scandal made her a ot topic. eneral jack keane response to susan rice and her benghazi comments to put the situation in south sudan in perspective for us. much more on the obamacare deaine.
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and a banneyear for hollywood. but t who will win the coveted title of christmas box office champion? leonardo dicaprio as the wolf of wall street an we will take it all up with our expert tonight. n dealing with what could be a very messy commute following this weekend's winter storm. ice and snow, more than 400,000 homes and businesses in michigan, upstate new york, new engla. at least nine deaths are being blamed on the storm. there are high temperatures are unseasonable in parts of the country. heavy rain, new york ntral park h a recd 65 degrees yesterday with temperatures expected to drop back to the '30s ltetonight. the storm also having a big impact at the height of the busy pre-christmas travel time. more than 1100 flights were canceled over the weekend. today black ice causing
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passenger planes to side off the taxiway. viually no one hurt in that indent. an agry shoppers filing lawsuit against taet for the class-action lawsuit, two of whh were filed in california and oregon, alleged that target failed to implement anmaintain reasonable security procedures including credit and ebit card data and social security numbers taken. it is unclar exactly what the criminals have actually done. and stocks moving higher with the dojones and s&p 500 adding 73 points, i is the 48 record
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close this year. the nasdaq also gaining 46 points, th s&p 500 up 10 points. and they deal with iphone and ina. apple's stock rising 4%. and facebk in the meantime, also experiencing a ealthy uptick. and in economic news, consumer spending rising hf a percent, up sin june, personal income increased by just two tenths of a percent below expectations. stay with us, we are cooing back. >> a christmas surprise. the health insurance deaine, giving millions one re day to try o get past the
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this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "juggle a bunch of rotating categories" card. it's not the "sign up for rewards each quarter" card. it's the no-games, no-messing-'round, no-earning-limit-having, it's not the "sign up for rewards each quarter" card. do-i-look-like-i'm-joking, turbo-osting, heavyweight-champion- of-the-world cash back card thiss the quicksilr cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. now tell me, what's in your wallet? ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lotelps by lettinus know who'soming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools iroduce theelves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout
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so we can work on that thi that's stuck in the thing. [ female anouncer ] today, ciscis connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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[ female anouncer ] todayoff the road foring thenearly five [tires screeching] stop the texts. stop t wrecks. visit us att
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♪ ♪ ♪ ashely: a ire warning for the president coerning obamaca. senator joe manchin of west virginia voicing his concern that the health care law could coapse under its own weight. explaining why it is so much more expensive, and that the coverage is not as good as we had had resulted in a complete meltdown joe manchin aso says it could be difficult for him to keep control of the u.s. senate. her first guest says t obama administration series of deadline delays and changes have serious consequenceshich dermine prospects. joing us now is bret graham.
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he is inlved in state exchanges and tracks the progress nationwide. every day there is some sort of rulechange. so what is this dng overall to those people out there w are tryi tsign up? it just gets more and more confusing to me. >> that's a goo way to describe it. each time a new delaoccurs, it creates more cousion and a little bit more excitement and willingness to step forward and actually takethat next step in and roll. so creates a lot of confusion ded doesn't help. ashely: what does it do for the insurance company when you are constantly changing the goal post? >> well, what you do is you create challenges for tem from an operatnal perspective and challenges from a continuation and pricing.
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all these insurance plans, the companies that are in good faith stepping forth, assumptions that were given to them by the administration and la. and hen as challenges occur, making it less likely that this will occur, making so that the assumptions may not be true and they might e extended and incur more risk than they anticipate ashely: companies have been involved in the design of these exchanges. we are tracking nationde how these things are doing. so what have you seen so far? >> well, i think largely what we have seen so far is the state outperforming the governme. i think would expect that. they got into the game earlier the state have more control over what they wer doing. they aggressively when forard. but lrgely the states have done
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a lot more. and i think that what we are starting to see in theederal exchange, we are starting to see improvement there and i i think that we will see that continuing, actually getting to the point where the mechanism will be what we had hoped for an expected and it will be less of a talking point and less of a concern. t in the meantime it is still quite a challenge and has definitely created lower enrollment n what was projected or hoped for ashely: so much f this pogr is dependent upon younger adults getting involved. and i think some 0% have sa that they actually enrolled in a need tha number tobe up close to the 35 or 40%. and that's going to be quite a struggle especially due to the disappearance and the system is brokk m already. >> that's right, the young invincle opulation realy is spreading the risk
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and it certainly leads to lower enrollment in this population is the least likely to enroll and whenever there are challenges or delays in terms of this process, ey are the ones that come out first. and so as this improves, we hope and try to count on those numbers coming in and thy are highly dependent upon most people enrolling so that pools are sustainable. ashely: 30 seonds left. we jst heard the democratic senator joe manchin bsicaly saying that ifhis coverage isn't good and becomes more expensive, it could collapse under itss own weight. basically meltdown. it could could th be a scenario? that happen? >> you know, i think there are so many stakeholders that are invested in this process. i don'tknow that it will
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collapse under its own weight. i think we will see challenges going forward. and that's really t big thing at the center. we're going into a midterm election. buthe's concern as he and his colleagues are going to be measured largely by the success or failure ofthis and that's what we will likely see. ashely: thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> it could be with you. ashely: now for the wekend box office. no match for bilbo baggins. first place for the sond ekend in a row, $31.5 million. an anchorman part two. and disney's frozen is up with
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$19.2 million. keep your eyes out for hot new ok this holiday season caed our people. winning back the country with knowledge and empowerment, ideas that mattr and solutions that work. written by lou dobbs. it debuts on january the seventh. and its now vaille online. just go to and barnes and ojust visit loudobbco for all the links. coming up next, america has been watchin the israeli prime minister is a relationshi betwn benjamin netanyahu a president obma wasn't enough. general jack keane and how the latest edwards noted revelation latest edwards noted revelation co [ male announcer ] e new new yoris open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a w plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state.
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move here, expand here, ortart a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates mo jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to . start a tax-free siness at
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ashely: benjamin netanyahu blasting u.s. over allations of the national security agency spy spying on israel. he says that the behavior was not acceptable. new documents released by edward snowden detail the nsa and
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britain targeting the defense minister from 2009. meanwhile, talks between iran plemenng last month's nuclear dealwill resume after christmas. and an ditorial explaining how one wants to impre bilateral relations of the u.s. and al qada watching for a very public apology. a military leader said they are willing to pay blood money to the victim's family. and ndreds are being killed, some 62,000 are hommeless. aircraft is now being moved o
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provide security and help with evacuations. joining us now is general jack keane. and former army vice chief of staff. he is also a fox news military analyst. thank you so much for joining us. let's begin. a very dangerous pt of the world. not much known about it. how involved should the united states be? >> we have noto much in that couny. we have peacekeepers that are helping. and they evolved out of a lack oftability and oers are vying for that ower and this is about a coup that was taking place at a week or so ago. so we have no intention of getting inolved. and those americans are
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attempting to et a safe evacuation out of there. and that's what we were attempting to do the. asly: the u.s. and britain's spying o israel, not only does the u.s. by on what would be our enemy, and tracking tracking their movements and what they artalking about, but they monitor each other and this came out wh angela merkel poke out. are they paying lipservice? >>here's been a lot of surprise and it's just in the blic domain. he knows full well thatthey are ying on the united states and they have been for years he's the beneficiary and he also
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ows that we are doing the same to him. and as a result of this week, they are spying on each other and it will continue despite the rhetoric. ashely: could he become a pawn in his? edward snowden's name comes up in situations like this arise. including this latest information that is being diebold's? >> whatever's cookinbetween israelnd the united sates, his name comes up. and it has here. and certainly down the road we probably will. what happened in benghazi, she's
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getting a lot of lak fromthat. wh are your thoughts on our? >> iis frustrating to listen o a k policymaker like susan rice. someoneho can be so flippant about this. the worst terrorist attack that e united states has experienced in terms of the political damage since 9/11 the security was inadequate and the third thing is that we clearly did not get the correct information from the american peopleuntil a week later until we knew all of the facts, i don't kno how we can dismiss at as a fake controversy when they knew it within the first 24 hours. >> even when the facts come out, they refuse to acknowledge what is clear to everyone else.
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>> i think that this is one of the worst in ter of something that was damaging to us. peper will killed and it has not been a part offull disclosure and it's really sad regardless of who's running the country. sosad. ashely: perhaps they would like to become friendlier with western powers. what do you think for 2014? >> everyone welcomes this wth the stalemate that we have over the government of nuclear weapons. but ts is why the polling done with the american people is important. the iranians are truly sincere about not establishing a nuclear weapons program and they will
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move quicly closing the secret sites that have been here for years and getting this complete verification. at demonstrates that they are incere. othwise, i'm afraid that most will believe that this is a ploy to delay and also resume the program when it's convenient for them. ashely: general jack keane, thank you for joining us. >> it's good to talk to you. ashely: coming up next, a wee bit early, you're coming to a close. stay with us. >> one of president obama's trusted old visors, 2014 has been a complete waste f time. the "a-team" tells us that ty agree. ♪ hmm.
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mm-hmm. [ engine rev] ♪ [ male announcer ] oh what fun it is to ride. gethe rcedes-benz on your wiwish list at the winter event ing on now -- but hurry, the offers end december 31s [ santa ] ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease the 2014 ml350 for $599 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. ask me what it's like to gp lease the 2014 ml350 every night. [annouer] why not talk to someone who's sleeping on the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. ask me abouttaying asleep. [announcer] tempur-pedic owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. tempur-pedic. the mo highly recommended bed in america. now sleep cooler with extra cooling comfort on our bestselling tempur-breeze beds. visit to learn more, and find a retailer near you.
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♪ ashely:robert gibbs piling on the bad news for the president. >> i would say that it does beat out what is going on in 2001, especially giving in to where we started and this is historically the most productive. ashely: the most productive. okay, and senate majority leader here he read the senate immition bill and they are working on passing smaller legislation. fox news contributor judith
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miller, ecial assistant to george w. bush, and contributing columnist, ron christie. and former white house political director under president george w. bush, match lab. thank you for joining us as well. >> he said i you like your doctor, you can keep it. and that wasn't true. i think 2014 is going to be worse. >> small-business insurance, premiums neeeed to go up, it wil be more of a pain for the president. ashely: juds,were you saying? >> it hasn't been a good year. and the economy is steadily
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improving. and there is more to life than health care. the one we are helping the president get away from this issue, they say, a change to the rules and it seems to go from bad to worse. >> the lest delay was done very quietly. then maybe they will leave it behind and not worry about it anymore. it's amazing that obama doesn think this will just pass. getting to the health care delivery part of it, you are right. the economy has to keep growing.
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and that is his only salvation. a growing economy helps the president. >> that is a good point. so how will this work for his econd erm? immigration reform being thrown out there. i don't know, i have a feeling that it will take a lot to get the issue addressed. >> absolutely. if he really grows the ecoomy, if it really starts to take off, that will take a lot of the political heat off of him. he could also do a deal with iran. which i thinis very unliky, but it could happen. there is a lot that the president can do in this and this is t his last year in office. >> i think he has breached the trust of the american people. he did make the stimulus is good as we thought.
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and here's where we went wrong, but here's what i can do to make things right is what he should say, for foreign policy, our economy, and our allies the. ashe: what about those inside their political party? this president doesn't have a lot to offer, does he? >> no, and this is a sad thin. and if the numbers stayed low, not putting his image in the campaign commercials and the mail and democrats are being more independent in their votes. we will seethat more and more anit's imperative. especially if they have a second term. he needs to fix his numbers and
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we need to see him as a political strength to the mocrats ext year. ashely: susan rice and in behazi issue. >> well, she says she loves her job and she doesn't want to lose it. [laughter] >> she also didn't really want to beecretary of state. she dogs that question but look. she has no answer except that it's all fine, this is a nocontroversial type of thing an in thority happening an let's move on and let look all the great things. >> it's never a alse controversy when amricans lose their lives. the american people still to thisay have never been told the truth and she should not try to make light of it. ashely: another issue, spngn the israelis. benjamin netanyahu is it's just
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noacceptable. but we know that they are spying all the time. >> yes, i have to say that the concept that our gornment is spying on other governments around the world, it doesn't bother me as much butthe government might be spying on us. [laughter] >> those are the people they are supposed to be spying on. [laughter] ashely: you have some personal experience with the spying in israel anguish. >> jus apartmt tter monitor. [laughter] but i think that reign leaders will begin to ask themselves why wasn't i being monitored? i mean they will be left out and ittwll be like that angela merkel situation. [laughter] ashely: thank you guys so much. judith ann rahman matt, thank
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you. thank yoguys. and please join the conversation onli. links to everything can be found at and be sure to get your rders in for his new book. lou dobbs, upheaval. illusio that work. it is available ooline fo pre-order. and the markets rallying ahead ofristmacoming up next. has the santa claus ally arrived early? arrived early? we will ha [ male announcer ] e new new york open. op to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why york has a w pl -- dozens of tax free zones all across the ste. move hereexpand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows morbusinesses...
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we're open to it. start a tax-free buss at
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ashely: two american astronauts successfully completing phase one on the internaional spa staion. nasa is troubleshooting problems and nasa cnducted a christmas
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eve spacewalk only once before during a hubble space telescope mission back in 1999. and the tallest building in michigan demolished to make way for a family-friendly pla in the heart of the city. the 45-year-old building comin down. 1000 pounds of explosives were ed around the structure. and overpricing of this home, the coldwell banker agentsere portedly caught on security cameras having sex andwe sometimes in this home. both are being fired from coldwell banker. and a record-setting day on wall street. the best annualperformance since 1993. joini us now with his outlook on economies, teddy weisberg.
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thank yor being here. another day and another record. it's been a remarkable year as we look back. >> only in hindsight. but t it's been really tough. the folks ttat have been on the sidelines watching this. and we see the volumes, even now, during these 53 years ad the markets have seen volatility and they haveeen sold off. but thephones ring, but they are not ringing what they like th were in998 or 1999. and it just doesn't seem to be a lot of interest.
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and who would've thought? ashely: the fed still pumping and 75 billion. but it does bring a little more certainty. and i can't imagine this. but to the investors, they must still look attractive. and the act is this year has be a terrific year. anyone who as sold stocks knows
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that there are lots of buying opportunities. ashely: interest rates will have to blog. what impact will that have? >> i think the fed has done a marvelous job with expectations. and they are going to have to get going on this. at some point i think it will have a negative impact on the market. ly: so much of the economy is art of the consumer. the housinmarket is a big part ofhat. and i ge the feeling thatt rkets are slowing down tremendously and the stock
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market, it will psychologically get peopleattention as they come into the market. but what is interesting about next year is not so muchthe housing market. the but this is an area at we do focus on. it's the fundamentals like the lumr. and the fed has pretty much said this. and it's sort of interesting. and so they are going to ha to do something to get inflation back in the system. by now, and clearly there's a lot of iflation. and they are takg about an overall inflation. lumber is clearly one of them and i'm talking lumber. i want the land we have a asset
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class, real estate, energy, it could be gold, some commodities could go up. ashely: goal has been suffering quite a bit recently. >> but the real money is made when everyone else sleeps. you jst need to hav a little patience. and the problem is that people want instant gratication. ashely: teddy, thank you so much. we appreciate yr time. coming up next, the very latest on that dock dynasty situation. and hollywood hot business and hollywood hot business model is coming up this is the quicksilver cash back card from capil one. it's not the "limit the cash i earnvery month" card.
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it's not the "i only earn decent rewards at the gas station" card. it's the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarng, kung-fu-fighting, silv-lightning-in-a-bottle, bringing-homthe-bacon cash bk card. this is the quksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on eve purchase, erywhere, every single day. so ask yourself, at's in your wallet? just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked himp. t found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and adiums. but, of course, 's a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco isonnecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before.
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ashely: the patriarch of "duck dynasty", making his first public statement for comment that he made about homosexuality and sin. accordg to the daily mail, phil robertson backed down from the original comments that he made, standing firm in his bible study group in louisiana. he said that i will nott back of , i' a lover of humanity and not aater. and hollywood looking f a big
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weekend. gleaming with hope in the final holiday push to put the industry with a $10.7 billion mark. >> it is aazing. it's a mixture of films. there is a variety of content with record numbers. and the holiday movie season, i love this right now. and there's a lot of movies that
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are out there, iron man, nebraska is one of the smaller movies, catching fire is anoth one as well that is another huge moneymaker. and tat. ashely: so who is the wnner and who is the big loser or w is flling behind? >> one about brothers and disney have had tremenus years. disney had ironman three and monsters university. so they are doing very well. and all the studios have had their hits and misses this year. but it isall winding up with his record-breaking box office. at the very end of the year they are really coming back.
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and they are rekindling the relationship with jerry bruckheimer. he had some success in the 80s and 90s. getting back together with him, that's a big deal. and we have big movies on the horizon and i think that we will have a hge day with christmas day. ashely: puttng you on the spot, anchorman to, someone said it was absolutely awful.
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would you agree? >> it depends on what you like. it's not trying to be an oscar ntender. i love christstian bale, jennifr lawrence, bradley coper, you know, what a fantastic group of individuals. and would say choose what you like. there are so many options out there. and there are so many films to see over the next couple of eks. because we will hit that record-breaking $10.8 billion at the box office. ashely: so who'll the big oscar winner? who do you think? >> well, you're really putting men the spot. i'm going to say bruce in
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braska. american hustle, saving mr. banks. i can can't just pick one. there are too many. ashely: very dead. thank you so much for joining us. we sure do appreciate it.
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charles: swipe your credit or debit card it is easy for hack hackers to swipe your information, i am charles payne in for neil cavuto, magnetic strips the cards we use are vulnerable to cyberthieves, some have chips, that makes it tougher for a breach, forr whi house security czar, is here to explain. howard, how did this happen? how did we end up with the
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anquated equipment? >> it is something we've


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